Appleton City R-II Appreciates You!
Cancellation of ACHS Alumni 2020
Due to the uncertainty of the Coronavirus-19 and its complications the Officers and Executive Committee have decided for the safety and welfare of the ACHS Alumni to dispense with the 2020 meeting. The ballgames will not be held. Individual Classes may determine their own celebration time and location. Contact your Class Representative. Reservations will be notified. Email or facebook classmates of the change.
We encourage contributions to be the ACHS Alumni Scholarship fund to be sent to Lori Bartz, 14378 NE County Road 4, ACMO 64724.
See you next year.
Questions 9-9pm 660-476-5857 acmolampkin@yahoo.com
“This Place Matters” to many but especially to Allyne Bock Stultz, 101 years old,
a member of its first graduating class in 1933.